Saturday, October 18, 2008

Almost There

Hi everyone. I know that many people have been interested in how we are & how much further we have to fund raise. We are so excited to share with you that we only need $800 more per month to reach our monthly goal & $1,500 more to reach our start-up cost goal. We are so close & it's so exciting. Please pray that more people will want to financially support our mission as will be serving the people of Mongolia. As for our Visa's, JCS (Joint Christian Service) has placed a hold on completing our visa applications until we have raised all our support for Mongolia. This is difficult because people always ask when we are leaving & the only response we can give is, as soon as we have raised our support. If you feel that God is challenging you to support us monthly please do.

Please pray for patience. On & off it has been difficult to remain patient now that we are close to leaving. Many people know that we are not excited about leaving family & friends, but know what we are suppose to do & want to start doing it now. Please continue to pray for us as we gather the required information needed to return to Mongolia. Some of you know the information you have to read, the forms to complete & people you have to talk with to insure that everything is done correctly when dealing with other countries.

On a different note, all four of us have been enjoying the beauty fall. Last week Teresa, the kids & I went to Kingsport Beach for some family fun. The Fundy tide was out so we walked & ran hundreds of meters looking at, clam shells, the sea gulls, large snails & a beautiful bald eagle perched on a small rock. We were squishing our toes into the wet sand & enjoying the salt air. We all agreed that we will miss the oceans crashing waves, salt air & the smell of seaweed the most.

Please feel free to call or write an e-mail, we love to talk as many of you know.