Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Visit To The Orchard

Today Teresa, Esme, Kiel & I had the awesome privilege of joining "The Orchard" to share about Mongolia & what God wants us to do in Mongolia. The Orchard is the Sunday morning childrens program at New Minas Baptist Church lead by Pastor Jon & Mrs. Sarah. We were so excited when the leaders told us The Orchard wanted to support us this year as their missionary family. After sharing the children had great questions about Mongolia & what it will be like for us. A few questions were if Kiel & Esme would go to a Mongolian school, if we were going to live in a Ger (g-air) & would we bring books about God over to share with the people.

I asked the kids if they had lots of toys at home to play with. All of the kids raised their hands, many jumped up & down saying they did. When I told them that most Mongolian kids did not have toys they were in shock. They could not believe it. One little girl said, "now that is a problem!"I told them that many Mongolian kids (including Kiel & Esme when in Mongolia) played with piles of dirt or sand, sticks, plastic water bottles, bottle caps & pieces of grass.

Older kids had a football (soccer ball) or a basketball & played together with others on dirt. We continued to tell the Orchard children that most Mongolian children have to use more imagination than we do because their families can't afford toys.

The amazing thing that we noticed was the Mongolian kids were so happy & filled with joy as they played with the creative toys they made or had. They did not feel like they were missing out or underprivileged, but enjoyed their friends & what they did have.