Monday, October 29, 2012

My Challenge

I woke up this morning, had breakfast with our kids, got them out the door for school, washed the dishes, made my beautiful wife her morning (French pressed) coffee & sat down to have my morning prayer/devotional time with God. He really challenged me this morning.

"But if you just use my words in Bible studies & don't work them into your life,  you are like a stupid carpenter who built his house on the sandy beach...They had never heard teaching like this. It was apparent that he was living everything he was saying-quite a contrast to their religion teachers!"
Matthew 7:26-29a The Message

The section marked in red was an area God challenged me with this morning & especially the red italic word everything. Everything, you can't look (compare) to others or justify because most things are good, but not living everything. When I am focused on me, this is when I justify & compare others takes over when I need to be focused on God only. This takes the focus off of myself, my pride, my...& places it back to the way it was designed to be, on God.

Thank-you for your prayers Teresa had a good time inspiring middle school youth to go on an overseas missions trip now & encouraged them to consider missions when they are older. Teresa had a gift. One of her sessions only 1 girl showed up. She was an adopted Chinese girl. They laughed a little & really had a good time sharing. Teresa was able to talk with here about Asia/Asians, how beautiful it is there, about being adopted & the many things that Teresa has learned through her adoption process. She also asked if this girl would like to return to China someday to see an important part, God given part of who she is. It was a real gift from God for both of them.