Thursday, June 28, 2012

My Mind Expanded

I was introduced to a friends missionary organization leader this morning. He is an American living in NY city. He asked me about Quebec because God has given him his heart for the Quebecois people. He told me that the percentage of Quebecois that are evangelical Christians is only 0.5%. I was shocked & amazed because that percentage is less than many Asian countries including Mongolia.

I told him that I was so thankful he had a heart for my country & to see my people reached for Jesus. One of my Russian friend's home church pastors is a missionary serving in Canada. I also know a Mongolian Christian family that next year will be moving to Canada to serve the Inuit people.

After my friend, his board member & his missions leader left I realized that my view of missions had been changed. I felt God ask me if we would be willing to move to a country & serve a different people group living in that country. I said yes, knowing it was him leading us.