Saturday, November 3, 2012

A Rough Day

Yesterday was a "really" difficult day for me. I spent most of the day praying, shedding a few tears, wishing I was back in Mongolia with Андрей & the Mongolian men at the Teen Challenge.

My Russian friend Андрей who is the director of Teen Challenge Mongolia & who I served with in Mongolia sent me an email in Russian. The English translation is below:

Спасибо Матт,мы с братьями тоже молимся за вас,они передают тебе привет и часто вспоминают,как было весело и интиресно когда ты преподовал уроки.Мы сегодня тоже постимся и молимся,у нас большая нужда в деньгах,нету угля чтобы отапливать дом,уже очень холодно,и несколько братьев заболели,так же у нас нужда в ремонте автомобиля,нужны тоже деньги на ремонт,купили микроавтобус в программу но его нужно отремонтировать чтобы ездить.Нуждаемся в поддержке,как в молитвенной так и в финансовой!Но мы не унываем потому что верим в живого Бога и Он нам поможет.

"Thank you Matt my brothers and I too are praying for you, they say hello and often think it was fun when you we're with us. Today I too I will fast and pray, we have a great need of money, no coal to heat the house, already it's very cold, and several of the brothers are sick. We also need to repair the car and need the money for repairs. The vehicle we bought for the program but it needs to be repaired. Nuzhdaemsya support is needed, both in prayer and in financial! but we do not lose heart because we believe in the living God, and He will help us."

There are days that I really struggle being here in Canada. Knowing that my friends in Mongolia are suffering, trying to keep warm when many people here I know spend a day thinking whether they should get the new app that their friends just got or something which will have no eternal value.

"God please forgive me when after eating supper Thursday evening went out with some guys & had 2 orders of hot wings. I was so selfish & was only thinking of myself & being a glutton. Thank-you for reminding me of my sin & of my friends who are in real need. Please Father I miss being in another country where I am not comfortable & dependant on you daily to live & serve. As you child know that I (we as a family) will share in your suffering & forgive me when I try so hard to escape the suffering you require me (us as a family) as your child. Amen"

It's so hard (tears are falling as I am typing this) being so far away from the guys I love so much. I want to be there with them, to encourage them, share in their suffering & help in any way I can.

God "please" help my friends!