Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Starting to get cold

Last week was a great week, Teresa & Esme had a great week of school, Kiel auditioned for the school Christmas play & is the lead character & I went to a hospice in the city & was able to visit with 4 clients that are dieing of cancer.

Last week visiting the hospice was an experience that I am still talking about. I am still filled with joy when I think about the experience. I have learned that I have a gift when it comes to visiting people in crisis or dieing. I enjoy listening to people, hearing their story, what they are struggling with & what their dreams still are. Usually after I have heard people I share a little about me & my story. Sometimes all I do with people is to sit with them quietly & say nothing. They just need someone to "be with them" as they are in their place of grief, pain, suffering, preparation of what is to come. I have always deeply cared for people in these situations & feel like this is an area God wants me to focus on.

Many of my foreign friends have said to me (Teresa included) "that sounds so depressing." But I have learned that I am filled with joy when I am able to be with people who are in need, scared & lonely due to an illness or accident. Culturally Mongolians who are dieing, sick or injured are especially lonely because of their beliefs. If you talk, think or focus in anyway on death, people who are dieing, sickness, people who are sick or an accident then bad luck will be brought upon you, your family, your job or anything else that you hold dear. Anything you hold dear will be lost, become sick or die. Due to their beliefs many Mongolians suffer alone.

This week Teresa is continuing to study her leadership class with many of our foreign & Mongolian friends. This week they are focusing in on leadership & the Asian culture. Some of the topics are, dealing with conflict, mentoring, working with others & empowering others to leadership. Teresa really enjoys learning in a classroom setting with an instructor & fellow students from all over the world that have lived all over the world for many years.

This week I am at home teaching Esme & taking care of the stuff at home. I actually am really enjoying it. It's a nice change of pace & am able to spend more time with Esme.