Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Winter is here!

This morning is warmer than most these past two weeks. It's 2 Celsius. Last Monday is was 29 Celsius & then that night the seasonal shift happened & last Tuesday morning is was -4 Celsius. Here is a picture of our 1st snowfall.

Please pray for many people tonight. The forecast with windchill tonight is suppose to be -15 Celsius. Central heating is not suppose to turn on until the 15th. Due to the many deaths last year of private coal miners & the air pollution issues in the city coal is not really available yet this year. Also the price has gone up a lot, making it difficult for many to buy coal. This is a big concern for many people living in the Ger District this year who have totally relied on coal as their heat source in the fall, winter & spring. It's normal each winter to hear from Mongolians that people they knew froze in the night.    

I will post again this week giving more details of last & this week.