Saturday, June 19, 2010

Over these past couple of weeks in many ways things are normal. I don't know how to really describe it. Teresa the kids & I have been placing our focus on summer, finishing language & trying to relax. I have not felt God over these past few weeks moving/working in a great tangible way, but then again the old saying at home is "no news is good news." I think this is a good saying right now for us because God is always working in our lives, yet we sometimes don't see or feel what/how he is working. Many times it is after he has finished a little work or has changed us that we can look back & see that we have changed or were used by God in situations. That way God receives praise for the situation & for changing us to be better used by him in the future.

For now we have finished as much as we can right now with the archways in our apartment. Although, I have to laugh because the kids & Aunt Jenna said that since we have made the changes we all spend more time in our bedroom then in the living room. Teresa, the kids, aunt Jenna & I may start in other areas of our apartment, but will all end up in our room. One person at the desk on the computer & the other 4 on our bed talking, reading stories, all or a combination of us on our bed playing boardgames, laughing, tickling the kids or lately the kids holding me down & tickling my feet & neck. I think it is funny because we normally are in either our room doing these things & end up in the kitchen to eat or start in the kitchen eating a good meal & end up in our room after eating.

Kiel has started baseball again this year & of course enjoys it. The manager of the league told him that he will probably win a medal this year because his first 3 times at bat hit the ball well & one of them was a home run. Esme is an awesome little sister. She wants to leave with Kiel in the mornings to go to baseball with him to make sure he is ok, watch him play & cheer her big brother on. Please pray for them both. Kiel & Esme have lost their friends to the countryside. Kiel & Esme's good friend, Derek moved last week because his family with 2 other Mongolian families have started a clean water project. Esme lost her only Mongolian friend to the country side also.

Mongolian culture is when school is finished, families pack up & move to the country. Many Mongolians do not like living in the city or in an apartment (if they can afford one.) They like living in a Mongolian Ger (everything inside 1 room) & outside nothing but, wide open field/mountains as far as you can see. Here in Ulaanbaatar I think 1/3 of the city packs up for the summer & leaves for the countryside. It is funny because some Mongolians will sit on a public bus for 3 hours to come into the city to work so that in the summer they can enjoy the life their ancestors did years ago.